for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
written October 23, 2000:
This is a conversation I heard yesterday between my teenage son and my nephew.
son: Are you going to play football in High School?
nephew: I don't know.
son: You should play football because you can get a lot of girls that way.
me: I disagree with this philosophy!
son: Mom, to a guy, "girls are everything!"
me: Mark my words, one day you will be going to your cousin and apologizing for that statement because it just isn't true.
Later on in the car my son was listening to a song he liked about Samson. He said, Samson is one of my favorite characters in the Bible. I replied, that's interesting because he had the same philosophy you do about girls and look what happened to him. He was conquered and ended his life committing suicide in order to defeat his enemy. All because of the same philosophy of life! I suggest you change the statement, "Girls are everything" to "God is everything!"
@Calvary__Tweets "The heart of every problem is the problem of every heart!"