
Monday, January 13, 2025

Making Decisions With Prayer

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established. 

My husband and I pray together daily and separately about any and all decisions in our life. Some are big decisions and some are not very significant but that is how I know God's will for my own life. Usually God brings us ultimately to the same decision and really how often does any married couple agree on anything? 

That is how I know it is God working in both our lives and the key to those decisions is prayer. Rarely does my husband decide differently than I do. If that should happen, I will usually follow his decision because I believe God can make a wrong decision right. These are the moments that I have to trust God no matter how I may feel. Easy to say but not always easy to do.
Usually my husband and I will not make a final decision on something of significance until we are both in agreement. It may take a few weeks but if we continue to pray we can see how God blends our hearts together in the same direction. We have managed to do this for several years now and find that no decision has been left unanswered by our Heavenly Father.
We both know how difficult it is to agree on what color to paint a room or something as simple as what to watch on tv. So when God works on our hearts to come to the same conclusion we know without a doubt that it can only be God!

Few things in life transform your character like making a commitment to pray together!

A picture of St. Andrews in Tangier Morocco taken by my 
father in the late 1950's or early 1960's.