
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Good Or Evil?

Romans 8:27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Everyone has the feeling they are always fighting the good angel and the evil demon on their shoulders. When I hear the evil demon telling me what to do, I know it is my own wicked flesh talking. When I hear the good angel telling me what to do, I know it is the Holy Spirit living within me.When I give in to my flesh it always gets me into trouble. When I listen to the Holy Spirit it leads me to a path of peace.

We don't always know the right thing to do but the Holy Spirit living inside of us does so we need to  listen and obey. Pray for God to make all things clear and it will be made clear. Listen for God's voice in your heart and life to direct to what is right. It will never be contrary to God's Word. Listen carefully and completely. 

How do we hear? 
 Through prayer, God's Word and obeying His Word!

 This picture was taken when I was traveling on 
the coast of Mississippi in 2009.