
Thursday, October 24, 2024


We all have moments when we are overwhelmed or we don't think too much of life or ourselves at that particular moment. That is when this verse gives so much comfort: “ Though the LORD is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar.” Psalm 138:6

Even though the feeling of being lowly may not always be where we want to be it is usually where we need to be. God meets us there and what better place to be than where we find God. 

Oh, I love being on top of the world and all is good in my days but I have learned not to dread the days that are less than perfect. I find that life is sometimes the opposite of what we believe. A perfect day feels great but I have also felt that my less than perfect days can sometimes be better. When the bottom has fallen out and I have found myself in the land of the abyss where God's mercy and grace that pulled me out. I can look back in pictures remembering the blessings that came from the difficulty of that moment in time. A good example is when my husband and I look back at the 9 years when he suffered most with kidney disease. We are amazed at all the activities, trips and special moments with our kids and grandkids. It seems to us we shared more together than any other time in both our lives. That was a gift from God because there is no other way to explain how it was even possible.

This picture was taken as we were driving through the state of New York, October 2014.