
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Daily Giants!

Caleb: “...the Lord will lead us into that land and will give us that fertile land. Don’t turn against the Lord! Don’t be afraid of the people in that land! We will chew them up. They have no protection, but the Lord is with us.” Num. 14:8-9

Those same giants of the past are here with us today: Addictions, Fatigue, Gossip, Fear, Jealousy, Pettiness, Opposition, Depression, Resentment, Anger, Rudeness, Negativity, Temptations, Bad thoughts, Self-pity, Laziness, Insecurity to name a few.

Because of God’s love and acceptance for us is not contingent on what we do or don’t do but instead on what Christ has already done on the cross. We are free to press on in spite of the giants of this life. 

Pastor Tullian’s New Years message was “If we are faithless, He remains faithful!” Sermon Link

No matter what giant we face today,
we have the victory in Christ!
 This picture was taken as I was driving through Andalucia, Spain in 2012.