
Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 Know your circle and make sure everybody in your boat is rowing and not drilling holes when you're not looking.

We are all full of faults and defects but we still want people closest to us to love and support us. In my own family we are very different and in my husbands family it is much the same. I'm pretty sure that describes every family because we are all so uniquely made. We are not alike and we each have been given different strengths and weaknesses. 

There are family members who may not understand or care for us but let's keep our daily focus on those who do love and encourage us. Pray for those who we are disconnected from and not take it personally. Today my sister n law and her little grand~girl made our day special; so today I am blessed by their love and desire to spend their day with us!

We can't make everyone love us but we can be grateful for those who do.....

“Let love be your highest goal.”
1 Corinthians 14:1a

This is a picture taken of my husband with his brother and sisters! 
