Recently I have been writing about my own personal struggles with fear. It was not easy for me to write about my own weaknesses and run the risk of being ridiculed. Instead, I was not prepared for the great wave of response from readers sharing their similar struggles and being encouraged by my words.
These blogs have been a way for me to channel my struggle in order to help others who struggle in the same way. There have been thousands of views of my blog from people in Russia, China, Malaysia, Germany, Ukraine, Britain, Canada, France & Indonesia. In the body of Christ, we should be able to share our burdens and struggles with each other. I have experienced a sampling of Christlike love in the feedback I have received.Loving concern for each other becomes the evidence that we have experienced His love!
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples” John 13:34-35.
This picture was taken when I was driving
through Arkansas in January 2010.