
Monday, January 27, 2025

Gardening of the Soul

 Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Have you ever read an article or book on gardening? When you read it, does it make you a gardener? Of course not, we have to follow the instructions and actually do the planting in order to benefit from what we have read. The same principle applies to reading our Bible; the scriptures tell us that we are not just to be hearers of the Word but does make a difference!

God's Word can transform our lives if we will apply it's principles to our lives and can grow us spiritually. If we read it and don't apply it would it give us the same benefit? We choose what to do with the information just like we choose when we read the gardening books. We have to apply that knowledge into planting and learn from all our mistakes. For instance,  when I began gardening it was A LOT of failure at first, then I would try again and I never gave it up. I remember the first time a neighbor walked by and said, “your garden is beautiful.”  I was so thrilled and realized after many, many years of trial and error I finally was a people are always asking advice on how and what to grow because they know I have the knowledge and experience. Did I obtain it from just reading the many books and magazines? No, it took a lot of years and I had to actually get down in the dirt and get dirty, disappointed, and all that comes from cultivating a garden. 

We are to meditate and memorize God's Word so that it will be in our hearts and live out in our lives!

Took this picture on my walk January 15, 2012.