
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Happiness or Joy

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

What is the difference in happiness and joy? ~ Happiness comes when circumstances are good and joy can come in good and difficult circumstances.  It is God who gives us joy even in the midst of something difficult. 

How often have I heard someone say, "I just want to be happy!" They begin to pursue what they believe will make them happy but most of the time pleasure seeking in the wrong places.  Some pursue sports, hobbies, traveling, dancing, shopping, home improvements, wealth, status, alcohol, food and drugs. These will fail except for a brief moment!

We cannot find true joy just by seeking pleasurable excitement. The best and longest sustained joys come from pursuing things God's way and His working in our life.

Jesus slept in the boat during a terrible storm. 
We need to learn how to sleep in the storms too. 
God wants us to let Him take control during our storms of life!

This picture I took of my sons youngest daughter at a festival November 
2012 as she watched her sister and cousins riding the swings.